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经典语录 > 经典语录 > > 小王子2经典语录英文版




第三章 我的飞机

例句一.It was words dropped by chance that,little by little,everything was revealed to me.

1. drop有一个义项是“drop a hint”,指“随口说出,给出暗示”

2. by chance“偶尔”

3. 在此It is/was+被强调部分+that为强调句结构,去掉It was...that仍是完整句子

4. words dropped by chance偶然说出的话

例句二.And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter,which irritated me very much.

1. break into突然发出、闯入、破门而入

2. a peal of laughter一阵大笑

3. irritate sb.刺激、激怒某人

例句三.Then he added:“So you,too,come from the sky!Which is your planet?”

1. 八大行星:水星Mercury 金星Venus 地球Earth 火星Mars 木星Jupiter 土星Saturn

天王星Uranus 海王星Neptune

例句四.You can imagine how my curiosity was aroused by this half-confidence about the“other planet”.

1. how my curiosity was...how程度副词,用来加强

2. half-confidence若明若暗的言辞

例句五.But the little prince seemed shocked by this offer:“Tie him,what a queer idea”

1. offer在此作为名词表示提议,也有出价,录取通知书的意思

2. Tie him,what a queer idea小王子对我的提议感到诧异

例句六.And,with perhaps a hint of sadness,he added:“straight ahead of him,nobody can go very far...”

1. a hint of些许,少量

2. straight ahead of him,nobody can go very far...一直往前走,没有人可以走很远


第四章 B612小行星

例句一.I knew very well that in addition to the great planet-such as the Earth,Jupiter,Mars,Venus-to which we have given names,there are also hundreds of others,some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope.

1. great planet大行星

2. in addition to除...之外。Addition and substraction 加减法

拓展:multiplication乘法 division除法 exponents指数 powers of 10十的幂

3. to which为“介词+which”引导定语从句

4. have a hard time十分困难,非常艰辛

例句二.On making his discovery,the astronomer had presented it to the International Astronomical Congress,in a great demonstration.But he was in Turkish costume,and so nobody would believe what he said.Grown-ups are like that...

1. the International Astronomical Congress国际天文家协会

2. in Turkish costume穿着土耳其服饰

例句三.If you were to say to the grown-ups:“I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick,with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof,”they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all.

1. rosy brick粉红色的砖

2. Geraniums天竺葵

3. If条件句的虚拟语气

例句四.Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.But certainly,for us who understand life,figures are a matter of indifference.

1. show great forbearance表现出极大的宽容忍让

2. a matter of indifference无关紧要的事

例句五.I have suffered too much grief in setting down these memories.Six years have already passed since my friend went away from me,with his sleep.If I try to describe him here,it is to make sure that I shall not forget him.

1. suffer too much grief忍受太多悲伤

2. set down写下,记下

3. Go away from sb.离开某人

例句六.To forget a friend is sad.Not every one has had a friend.And if I forget him,I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures.

1. be interested in对...感兴趣

例句七.He thought,perhaps,that I was like himself.But I,alas,do not know how to see sheep through the walls of boxes.

1. alas感叹词,是英语文学戏剧中常见的感叹,通常表示悲痛和遗憾






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