




卧槽,Gary那么呆萌傻甜白的人,你居然问他魅力何在,你过来,老子绝壁不打你,只是和你谈谈人生。 老子一个外貌协会的都被Gary给征服了。虽然一开始觉得他不帅,哦吼吼,而且他自称自己是最丑的。但是但是那么一个呆萌反差萌的萌物,实在是让人不喜欢都不行啊。 我对音乐不了解,综艺也不了解,只是单纯的从一个听过他歌,看过running man的大妹子角度来说Gary身上特有的魅力~ 最早期的running man我不知道你有没有看,Gary最开始最有特色的应该是在拍照游戏里面,临危不乱平静如水面无表情的面孔永远都会出现在相机前,堪称经典,在running man早期里面,算是一个挺大的亮点。 他的表情是这样的。这样的。还有这样的。更是这样的。最后所有平和的Gary相册。真的是没有他照不到的相片,最重要的是他的照片永远透露出一股详尽和平的样子,实在是让人忍俊不禁,然后对他好感加分。(上图都出自100808这一集、)还有早期Gary真的是很呆萌,让人忍不住欺负他,太老实了这孩子,尤其是刘大神,最喜欢吓唬Gary了。比如说这一集。刘大神伪装成了摄影师,一直靠近认真玩游戏Gary的眼前,Gary一直没有察觉,直到刘大神走到他跟前了,他才察觉,而且吓了一大跳,站在他肩上的国儿也摔进水里了。哈哈哈哈哈,果然人都喜欢恶作剧,特别欺负老实人呐~后面连智孝都忍不住欺负gary了。(出自100801)还有一集110911 Gary 特辑,Gary第一次接到间谍的游戏,他高兴的,好吧,其实这个一个骗来骗去的游戏,Gary是间谍不能让他们知道然后撕掉名牌,而running man其他几只则是假装不知道,让Gary顺利完成游戏,这一集里面,Gary的表现堪称经典,更是在里面占智孝的便宜,我真的是被笑死了,怎么会有那么不会演戏的人啊。你们自己去看吧,感受一下gary的演技。还有刘大神的水枪特辑的第一期,Gary被水枪射到居然以为下雨了,下雨了!!!被Gary的呆萌惊讶到了。还有很多集数,Gary总是不在状况内,搞不清楚节目要干嘛,一直懵懵懂懂。在running man里面gary总是对智孝会心软,对智孝很好,很多小细节都能感觉得到他的体贴还有细心,总是忐忑不安担心着智孝有时候的选择不是他。101024这一集里面,gary对智孝唱歌,哦吼吼,心都快要化掉了,好吧,我也曾经想要有一个男人可以深情的对我唱歌,他真的是一个很好的男人,怒点赞。但是恰恰是他的这份傻气,让我忍不住喜欢他,其实对于我来说更喜欢和没有心机,普通而又有担当的男人,想是节目里智孝骗了Gary那么多次,而Gary也依旧相信着智孝。况且Gary他的能力不差,超能力的特辑里Gary可是赢过了所有人哦,所以他也很厉害哦~不可否认这个男人长相很普通,但是他的魅力真的很大~至于他唱的歌,我有听过,不能分手的女人不能离开的男人、关掉电视(哈哈,这个是个小黄歌,但是很好听)、我这个家伙的答案是你(每次Gary和智孝小暧昧时,running man里都会放的歌)我不是在笑。还有一首Gary写给国儿的歌中文名字我不知道叫什么,但是是我最近的大爱。这些歌,对于我来说都很好听呢 ~和Gary的样子不一样,他唱的歌都很霸气侧漏,莫名的觉得有种帅气的感觉,在running man 里面Gary大概是个普通呆萌不会撒谎喜欢智孝的傻男人Gary,但是在他的音乐领域里他一定是霸气的王者,那是属于他绚丽的世界。恩恩,他是running man里面的其中一员。(答主绝对不是故意找丑照的~)更是懵智的周一男友~更更是leessang里面的成员。你准备好了将心留下来的可能性吗~这就是姜Gary的魅力所在。





User Reviews   (Review this title) 61 out of 90 people found the following review useful. One of the most romantic stories ever told, 29 October 2001 Author: Hai Wei LiuThe background of this story is the myth / legend of Count Vlad Dracula (son of count Dracul) ‘nicknamed' Vlad Tepes (Vlad the impaler). Vlad was, as the film tells us a warlord in the 15th century who fought the Turks. According to the myth he drank the blood of his victims and impaled them. This is a real myth, as it was and maybe even is still believed in Rumania. A lot of information about Vlad Dracula was later gathered by Irish writer Bram Stoker, who, combined it with myths of vampires into this tale of the well known blood -–sucking Vampire. Another thing that is real in this film are the pictures in the book Vampyr, which is read by van Helsing (Anthony Hopkins) in this movie. The pictures you find there are also to be found in history and school books, complete with ancient writings beside them.I will not reveal to you the nature of the plot, but I must say this bloody horror film is one of the most sad and romantic stories ever told. It is about a man who loses his wife and cannot rejoin her in another life. So he turns against anything people in the 15th century believed in and is punished by god to wander the earth as the undead. He is cursed to be feared and hunted, for he needs to drink the blood of man to keep alive. He is nosferatu (vamyr), he is Count Dracula.He lives miserably for about 400 years until he falls in love again. And by doing so we are dragged into the fortune and misery of a creature who lives eternally. He is alive, but lifeless on the inside. He is rich, gentle and loving, yet he must feast on humans to survive. He is damned forever, whilst he did not do anything wrong.The settings of this great story is late 19th century Europe (England and Karpathia). Karpathia is not well known to man, the wild side of Europe. All this bears with it the mysticism of this story and the epic and tragic background. As for Dracula (Gary Oldman) himself, he drags us into a world of blood, lust and erotica. He seems only to be driven by his great love for Mina (Winona Ryder) and the need of being together with her. TRUE LOVEThere are some great (and famous) actors in this film: Anthony Hopkins, Winona Ryder, Gary Oldman, Cary Elwes and Keanu Reeves. They all contribute greatly to this film, although I must say that the best acting comes from Gary Oldman (Dracula), Sadie Frost (Lucy), Sir Anthony Hopkins (van Helsing) and music legend Tom Waits (Renfield). Do not get me wrong the rest is good to and do their job's well, but these four really put the dot on the i.Besides the actors there are a lot of things that stand out (look at the list of prizes and nominations at the Oscars), but I must say two people are left unaccounted for there. The director Francis Ford Copolla and the genius behind the haunting and touching music Wojciech Kilar. They both bring so much to the greatness of this film, I would have felt like an idiot if I had left them out.This does not only make an excellent horror / epic / romantic film, but surely is (in my opinion) a great date flick, about love everlasting and the tragedy of a man who is cursed to live forever and roam the world alone, for he is feared and hunted.生意经典语录。
